Case Study:Carlsberg Product Case

Our clients range from small, local wholesalers to international brand owners.

Carlsberg Product Case

Carlsberg customer contacted us with a request for custom carlsberg commemorative keychain...

Carlsberg Product Case

Carlsberg customer contacted us with a request for custom carlsberg commemorative keychain...

Carlsberg Product Case

Carlsberg customer contacted us with a request for custom carlsberg commemorative keychain...

Carlsberg keychain:Carlsberg customer contacted us with a request for custom carlsberg commemorative keychain
Main description:Gold outside. Size: 40mm. 50,00pcs will be completed within one month.
Challenges:Customer needs are not clear, time is very urgent.
Results:We designers, after many revisions, finally confirmed the drawing.

We communicated with the production department and prepared a production line separately for the customer. After 25 days of hard work, we finally completed the order, which was highly praised by the customer
Finished keychain:

Conclusion:Customers are notified by mail at each status.

Customer-first is our value in business. We take responsibility for our customers, and understand their requirements of customization. Thanks to our excellent designer, and professional factory, We did a great job

Case Study:Tuborg Product Case

Tuborg customer contacted us with a request for custom tuborg pins.